Pest Control for Data Centres
Data centres are important physical facilities that enterprises use to protect their most critical information and applications. These facilities comprise high-value equipment that utilizes cooling ducts and large numbers of cabling to power them.
Unfortunately, cooling ducts and cabling are vulnerable to pest infestations. They provide the perfect habitat and a good connection for rodents to migrate from one floor to another in search of food.
Pest control for Data Centres Singapore is very specific. It requires remote monitoring and an online reporting system to ensure the data centre is entirely free from pests and there's no downtime due to pest damages.
On top of this, we thoroughly inspect the entire facility and customize an integrated pest management plan (IPM) that suits all your pest control needs. Protect Pest Control accurately identifies the specific pests that need to be controlled. Our remote monitoring system and smart traps watch over your facility 24/7, seven days a week. If a pest threat is detected, the system instantly triggers a response from our technicians, who rapidly address the infestation efficiently and effectively.
Types Of Pests In Data Centres
Pest control for data centres Singapore requires an integrated and up-to-date pest management plan. The pest control expert must keenly analyze the entire facility to determine potential pest threats. The experts will then customize a suitable pest management plan that meets the specific requirements of the data centre.
Generally, an integrated pest management (IPM) plan for data centres must contain the following vital stages:
• Thoroughly inspect the entire facility to identify the specific pest species to control/eradicate. The most common pests that invade data centres include cockroaches, rodents, ants, and spiders.
• Treat inside and outside of the facility to get rid of the infestation. EPA-approved insecticides are needed to kill pests in hard-to-reach areas. Note: aerosol sprays are not ideal for data centres as they are corrosive, and the released mist can damage computer equipment.
• After a complete pest control treatment, the environment must be modified to limit pest access into the data centre. These includes removing any possible nesting sites and sealing /proofing all entry points like doors, cabling, pipes, and vents.
• Frequently monitor bait stations and inspect ingress (entry) points periodically for signs of wear or breakdown.
• Incoming items such as boxes must be inspected for pests and unnecessary items removed from the facility.
Rodents In Data Centres
Rodents pose severe risks in a data centre. These small animals have a preference for constantly gnawing and destroying cables, resulting in expensive damages and repair costs.
A news article published on the site describes an incident where a rodent in West Auckland, New Zealand, not only chewed and ruined one cable but also cut off internet access for more than 1,000 broadband users. It took the technician more than 24 hours to resplice the fiber!
Other articles on the site describe the difficulties for data centre owners to effectively protect the network and communication infrastructure from damages by rodents and other small animals that gnaw on cables.
Controlling Rodents In Data Centres
Rodents within your facility can quickly result in costly outages and expensive repairs. Protect Pest Control utilizes a Data Centre specific program to ensure there are no rats or mice running around in the vaults and trenches within your facility.
Our qualified experts will keenly inspect the data centre to identify places with pest threats before they become a major infestation. Our program focuses on strategic monitoring of ducts, subfloor, void areas, and around the perimeter of the building to get early warning signs of rodent threats.
Rodent Traps: Rodent traps are an effective way of ensuring protection against rats and mice in data centres. The pest technician will strategically place the traps in high activity areas and pathways. A visible monitor indicates once a rodent is trapped and the technician will safely dispose of it.
Bait Stations: Encapsulated gel baits are placed in a tamper-resistant bait station. The bait lures rodents into the station, killing them fast upon consumption. Follow-up is done to replace the bait as needed.
Cockroaches In Data Centres
These ancient pests are highly successful in data centres. A cockroach infestation is a serious risk to public health. They forage for food in storage areas, sewerages, drains, and rubbish bins. For these reasons, roaches play a role as vectors for disease-causing pathogens. They have been linked to the spread of dysentery, typhoid, cholera, etc.
Cockroach infestations vary significantly in terms of cockroach species, level of infestation, and complexity of ecological factors. As such, expert knowledge is required to get rid of the infestation completely and efficiently.
Controlling Cockroaches In Data Centres
Our pest control technicians are qualified, experienced, and licensed to control cockroach infestations in data centres Singapore. We understand that a severe cockroach infestation can cause great distress and downtime in the office. Hence, we customize an urgent response and effective solution to eradicate roaches.
We maintain zero-tolerance pest control standards for your data centre by utilizing the following control methods as part of our IPM:
Gel baiting: Gel baits have a fast knock-down effect. They attract all cockroach species and entice them to eat the gel. The dosage applied by the technician depends on the level of the infestation. Once roaches get in contact with the toxic gel, they carry it back to their nests and infect other roaches, potentially killing the entire colony.
Ants In Data Centres
Being the heart of your IT infrastructure, you must keep pests away from your Data Centre to ensure the smooth running of operations. Ants can cause problems for your business and trigger disgust in your employees. The risk posed by an ant infestation depends on the ant species invading. Some species like carpenter ants can cause structural damages, while moisture ants put your staff at the risk of food contamination.
Controlling Ants In Data Centres
Ants are one of the most challenging pests to get rid of. If you have an existing infestation, the expert will inspect your premises to determine the level of infestation and the specific ant species causing you trouble. They will customize an integrated pest management solution that wipes out the ant colony and create a protective barrier against future infestations.
Gel baiting: Gel baits are strategically placed in ant activity areas. The gel attracts the ants and lures them to eat the bait. They then carry the bait back to their nests, infecting the rest of the ants, queen, and brood, potentially exterminating the entire colony.
Spiders In Data Centres
Spiders are a common pest problem in Data Centres. They are especially attracted to sub-floors thanks to the ideal temperatures and humidity for breeding and thriving. Although they are primarily harmless, spiders can cause panic among your staff. They can also leave creepy cobwebs on your devices.
Controlling Spiders In Data Centres
Protect Pest Control experts are trained to identify the spider species causing you trouble. They will tailor a pest treatment solution that offers maximum effectiveness in eliminating the pests and keeping them away from your data facility. It's important to note that the type of spider solution provided for non-webbing spiders varies greatly from webbing spiders' treatments.
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