Drywood Termite Treatment Singapore | Termites in Wood
Drywood termites are the second most prevalent termite species after subterranean termites. They are pretty common in humid areas and the coastal region. These destructive pests mostly attack, feed, and create their nests in dead, undecayed wood with minimal moisture content. As their name suggests, these pests can cause extreme damage to your wooden structures since they generally take residence inside the wood.
Unfortunately, it's hard for most homeowners to detect or suspect a drywood termite infestation early. That's because once they've identified the perfect wood to attack, the pests work their way into it, and while inside, they seal the small hole they've used to enter and won't leave the nest.
While inside, a special chamber for the queen to lay her eggs is established. Unlike subterranean termites that require soil for survival, wood provides all the necessary conditions for drywood termites to thrive without much need for going out.
This intrusive pest feeds off wood while excavating galleries and chambers. All waste and debris are stored in the unoccupied chambers or forced out through small tunnels to ensure the colony remains clean.
They live in thousands of numbers and will potentially cost you expensive damages since they silently eat your walls, roof, floors, and furniture. It can take months or even 4-7 years for drywood termites to cause any visible damage. Hence, home and business owners must ensure regular drywood termite inspections to spot any early infestation signs and employ the best protection measures.
Check Out: Termite Pest Control Singapore | Dealing with White Ants
How To Identify A Drywood Termite Infestation Early
Drywood termites are a mysterious pest that's quite hard to detect or even suspect. Their nests are deep within the wood, and they live in small colonies of 1000 termites, making it even harder to detect them. Watch out for the following drywood termite infestation signs:
Perhaps the only time you'll spot drywood termites outside their nest is during swarming. It can even take four years before the termite queen can create the 'flying termite'/ swarmers. Swarmers are the termites that reproduce within the colony. As the weather becomes warmer, usually in summer and fall, swarmers leave the nests in large numbers to locate a mate and reproduce. Swarming can happen only once or twice a year, and the swarmers are very few (10-100), so you can easily miss them.
Dropped Wings
Another sign of a drywood termite infestation is the presence of discarded wings in your house, especially near the window sills. Usually, the swarmers will lose their wings once they have found a mate.
Fecal Droppings- Frass
The biggest giveaway of drywood termite infestations is their fecal droppings or Frass. These termites like to keep their nests and tunnels super clean. So, they push all poo and fine wood debris through the tiny tunnels. The waste appears as pellets, similar to sawdust, and will often cause dark, fine substances around the infested place.
Distinctive Clicking Noise
If you put your ear close to the infested wood and listen keenly, you will hear soft, distinctive clicking sounds coming from the wood. That sound comes from the worker ants are they are very noisy when munching your property away. Secondly, once the soldier ants suspect potential danger, they bang their heads and body against the wood. No, they haven't gone bananas - they are communicating to the rest of the colony and warning them of impending danger.
Hollow Sounds
Drywood termites feed on wood from the inside out, leaving the inside empty and hollow with only a thin layer of wood or paint on the outside. When you tap on an infested wooden structure, you'll either hear hollow sounds of empty insides, or the structure will crumble down.
Once termites infest, they are very secretive when devouring your property, and you'll never notice their presence until the damage is already done. The best thing to do is contact a pest control professional in Singapore for a terminate inspection so that your home remains protected from these costly pests at all times.
Drywood Termite Inspection Singapore
It's crucial to have a drywood termite inspection all over your premises every once a year. Checking for these termites can be a dirty and very demanding job that's better left to the trained professionals. Pest control experts in Singapore have all the necessary gears and devices and are trained to do thorough inspections.
They will accurately identify even the earliest signs of a termite attack that may appear unsuspicious to an untrained eye. The structural inspection involves looking for the earliest feeding damages, fecal droppings, termite tunnels, damaged wood, and broken wings. The experts will pay close attention to the commonly infested places throughout the perimeter of your premises and inside.
This way, they will determine the exact type of termite destroying your property and recommend the best treatment course that will render your home termite-free and protect it from future chances of re-infestations.
The Most Effective Drywood Termite Treatment Singapore
Drywood termites can cause insurmountable structural damages. Missing just one reproductive termite during DIY termite treatment can lead to another massive infestation. And because it's pretty difficult to detect and determine the level and nature of the infestation on your own, this task is better off left to the pest management experts.
It's also quite difficult for home and business owners in Singapore to have access to the best treatments for controlling drywood termites on their own. That's why you're strongly advised to contact an expert to provide you with the most effective treatment options.
Different types of drywood termite treatments include:
Drywood Termite Fumigation - Whole Structure Treatment
After an inspection, the expert will be able to determine the level of the infestation. If it's extensive and the colonies are spread all over your premises, they may recommend fumigation as the best treatment method. Termite fumigation is highly effective, and the chances of missing any termites are minimal.
It involves using recommended gases that penetrate the furthest corners to eliminate all oxygen and replace it with a pest-toxic gas. Fumigation guarantees extermination of all pests within your structure, as they die immediately upon inhaling the gas. Please note that homeowners should not try this method as it requires monitoring to ensure 100% safe treatment success.
A licensed expert is trained to safely fumigate and monitor the process to ensure all infestations are killed while promoting maximum safety for you, your loved ones, neighbors, and pets. Depending on the amount of treatment needed, the expert may advise you to vacate the home for a few days to allow enough time for effective fumigation and aeration.
Drywood Termite Heat Treatment - Whole Structure Treatment
Another method that can safely treat your entire home is heating all wooden structures to at least 120°F for 35 minutes. The best thing about this treatment is that it's non-chemical, and you don't have to vacate your home for days. In just a few hours, the expert will give you a safe termite-free premises. However, a major downside to this is that it may be difficult to heat the larger wooden structures to the required temperatures, and it may require a good couple of hours and, in some instances, days. This treatment method lacks residue effects for long-term protection and can damage heat-sensitive structures in the house.
Drywood Termite Localised Treatment
This method is best for a small termite infestation. It involves using chemical treatments on the infested structure/structures. Non-chemical treatment options are also available. However, this method is highly effective when applied by trained experts since most DIYs are often unsuccessful. The expert may need to drill holes in the infested wood/timber to reach the termites. This allows the termiticide to be distributed throughout the tunnels, reaching all the pests and effectively exterminating the entire colony.
Notice: Drywood Termite Services Discontinued
Our company is no longer offering Drywood Termite treatments due to operational contraints. All Drywood Termite services have been discontinued from 1 Jan 2024.
Subterranean Termite treatments are still available. Feel free to contact us for a quote if you are facing Subterranean Termites.